After more than 30 years in the handling of high-end real estate transactions, we can recommend the best legal advisors of the country to take care of all the stages of the process of purchasing or selling a property in Costa Rica. These experts will assist you inproviding the necessary advice onall kinds of transactions, including purchases, sales and rentals, real estate developments, horizontal property, investments in real estate, corporate, tourism, structuring of financing, escrow services, taxes, immigration, opening of corporations and bank accounts, etc. With a fully personalized and timely adviseon the legal process, our network of legal experts is at hour service to secure a smooth, hazzle free transaction.

Some of the services provided:

  • Immigration Application Process
  • Residence Application Process
  • Investments
  • Costa Rica company set up, registration of trademark, accounting
  • Opening of Bank Accounts
  • Real Estate Transactions
  • Escrow Services
  • Property Inspections
  • Topographic Studies
  • Tax advisory at all levels
  • Accounting for your local corporation and tax payment
  • Rental agreements Transparency and Final Beneficiaries Registry at the Central Bank

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Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997

Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates

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Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997
Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates
are registered trademarks
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Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997
Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates

are registered trademarks
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Plaza Tempo, next to Banco Improsa, 2nd floor

San Rafael, Escazú, San José - Costa Rica


+506 8864-2345

Toll Free
+1 800 9170997
Luxury Real Estate Costa Rica
Costa Rica Luxury Estates
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Since 1990

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